Whenever lightning strikes, Geum-rye travels time. She tries to change the past by hiring a 100-meter dash coach, a former gangster who betrayed the organization.
Geum-rye runs a clothing store called Chicago in the countryside. Chicago closes when lightning is predicted, since Geum-rye travels to 1993 every time lightning strikes, to find out the cause of a traffic accident 30 years ago and the reason why her daughter ran away.
But she still didn't find out anything. Geum-rye believes that if she can run the sidewalk 100 meters from where the accident happened in 14 seconds, she can change the past. The problem is that her record is blocked at 18 seconds.
Soryoung(gangster) with a job flyer from Chicago(Job preference: running) appears in front of the Geum-rye. Soryoung stole her former boss's entire fortune for a new life with her lover.
Geum-rye recalls Soryoung, who ran away from the gangsters on market streets, gives her a room upstairs and starts the training.
Chicago started from the back of an old lady who stood in front of the shop door for a while without going in. I could imagine a long tail made of a calm and persistent past drawn from her.
Someone who doesn't admit their fault and blames others even though they are the ones who caused terrible isolation and pain. Someone who ended up lying to themselves. Someone who misses the opportunity to face their real inner selves.
A story with a glimpse of hope, that a person who has locked themselves in a prison without a bar, finally facing the truth and the past that have been ignored and fully accepting it, and live as their true self.
I wanted to deliver a happy ending of a long tail like that.
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(54999) JEONJU Cine Complex, 22, Jeonjugaeksa 3-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk-do, Republic of Korea
T. +82 (0)63 231 3377
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