

Documentary ㅣ JEONJU Cinema Project: Next Edition


SUN Hobin
Korea 100min 4K Color Documentary
Production StatusProduction
Goal of ParticipationFinancing, World Sales
Production budget255,000,000 KRW
Budget Required200,000,000 KRW
Secured budget
  • Seoul Film Commission[Production Fund] : 20,000,000 KRW
  • Incheon Film Commission[Production Fund] : 10,000,000 KRW
  • Korea Film Commissions & Industry Network[Production Fund] : 10,000,000 KRW
  • Cinema Lab (Self-funding) : 15,000,000 KRW

Capitalism? Let me give it a try.


Sun Hobin is an incapable family man. While working part-time jobs with an unstable income, he meets Lee Sangtae, a college senior. Together with Sangtae who holds MBA from UCLA, Hobin produces YouTube videos on stock. He opens his first stock account and participates in the money game. Encouraged by his short-term success, he sells his house and uses his credit card to increase his stakes. He bets himself and his family’s future on the stock market.
A year later, the war in Ukraine breaks out.


I am an independent filmmaker. But most of my time is filled with money-making activities. As an independent filmmaker, I criticize society and shed light on marginalized people, but I can’t save my own life. Looking at my elementary school student son, I feel extremely depressed.
This is the life I chose. I thought there was something more important than money, and I pursued the value. My son will pay the price. He won’t have the same life choices I had. My father was a middle class with a stable job. I’m a freelancer who has to plan for next month’s expenses every time.
I’ve changed a bit now. I want money.
I want to share my fears, greed, and ethical concerns with the audience. I believe that to see the contradictions of the Gig Economy, we need to look at a family, not a factory or a parliament.

What inspired you to start this project?
I make films about what troubles me the most, what causes me the most suffering, and I think the pain that I feel is not something special, it’s something that a lot of people can relate to because I’m a normal person. My previous film, Myeoneuri: My Son's Crazy Wife shows it. I had an interview for a government job a few years ago due to the hardship of life, and as I walked out of that interview, I had tears fall down my face. I thought my career as a film director was over because I was so good at the interview and I thought I was going to get the job. Many people will give up something or feel desperate because of money. Sometimes they lose their humanity, as I did.
When I left the interview, I thought of the title DON which means money in Korean. Throughout my life, the thing that has stressed me the most is money. Luckily, I didn’t get the job, and I’ve been making films ever since.
Is there any scene or emotion you want the audience to remember after watching this movie?
I don’t have the ability to analyze or criticize capitalism like other directors do. But I will try to keenly capture my fear and anxiety, pain and desire. I think it’s an effective way to depict modern capitalism.
South Korean version of capitalism is very harsh. South Korean society is the most unequal and cruel to the vulnerable in the world. We have the highest suicide rate and lowest birth rate in the world. I think it’s not a coincidence that Squid Game was created in South Korea. I hope DON will provide an honest portrait of Korean ‘squid capitalism.’
Aren't the helpless facial expressions of No. 457 the real spectacle of this film?
SUN Hobin
Born in 1981, Seoul, Korea. He majored in linguistics at university. He directed Reds in 2011 and Myeoneuri: My Son’s Crazy Wife in 2017. Myeoneuri: My Son’s Crazy Wife premiered in the Korean Competition of the JEONJU IFF and won the Grand Prize in the feature category at the Chuncheon Documentary FF, and was selected as the opening film at the Wonju Women’s Film Festival and as the Gender Equality Content of the Year in 2018.
Reds (2011), GangJeong Interview Project (2012), Myeoneuri: My Son's Crazy Wife (2017)
PARK Jinsuk
Born in 1976, Daegu, Korea. He majored in history at university. Since starting his film career as production team in 2007, he produced Myeoneuri: My Son’s Crazy Wifein 2017. Myeoneuri: My Son’s Crazy Wife premiered in the Korean Competition of the JEONJU IFF and won the Grand Prize in the feature category at the Chuncheon Documentary FF, and was selected as the opening film at the Wonju Women’s Film Festival and as the Gender Equality Content of the Year in 2018.
Death Bell 2: Bloody Camp (2010), One Thing She doesn't Have (2014), Myeoneuri: My Son's Crazy Wife (2017)
Jeonju Office

(54999) 2F, JEONJU Cine Complex, 22, Jeonjugaeksa 3-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk-do, Republic of Korea

T. +82 (0)63 288 5433 F. +82 (0)63 288 5411

Seoul Office

(04031) 4F, 16, Yanghwa-ro 15-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

T. +82 (0)2 2285 0562 F. +82 (0)2 2285 0560

JEONJU Cine Complex

(54999) JEONJU Cine Complex, 22, Jeonjugaeksa 3-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk-do, Republic of Korea

T. +82 (0)63 231 3377