An alien mysteriously lands on Earth in the midst of a climate crisis. It seeks only one woman, Min Seong-a. Seong-a gets involved in the investigation of the alien, half-willingly and half-not.
In 2031, Earth is on the brink of an unexplained climate disaster. A strange alien transmission is received, and the government decodes it, leading to the discovery of an alien being. But surprisingly, the alien has the appearance of a human and begins to search for a woman named Min Seong-a… Living hand-to-mouth as a special cleaner, she is asked by the government to identify the purpose of an alien’s visit to Earth, but she soon learns that the alien has arrived in the body of her long-dead mother, that she has never seen before.
The spacecraft Voyager, left Earth in 1977, and has not left the solar system until 2018. But technically, Voyager is still only standing on the threshold of the solar system. Interstellar travel is still hard to imagine, even in theory. Is the reason for this journey, which requires enormous energy and risk, to take away Earth’s resources and harm humans as in the film? Carl Sagan analyzed that “Any civilization advanced enough to travel interstellar unlikely to be belligerent.” They would have destroyed themselves before reaching that stage. For what particular reason, then, are they coming to us from the far ends of the universe?
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